Monday, April 23, 2007

Here it is!

Well, here it is, one BFF sock. Thanks for the comments about the toe, I decided to knit the last four rows with out the knit all rows, and it seems to have helped considerably - so thank you! I think I learned a blogging lesson on these ones though... never say that something is going well. The moment you do you'll realize that you weren't paying nearly enough attention to the heel of the sock and have to rip out an inch or so of the sock that was going so well. Grrrr....

And here were my little knitting purchases from the last few weeks. First a lantern moon bag to keep my socks in so that I don't end up with yarn tangled in my keys and anything else in my purse. The striped bag is my new notions kit! I knit at my fiance's all the time and end up without darning needles, stitch markers and a myriad of other necessary objects. I love them both!!
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Socks Galore!

Well, here's the new socks I've started on. It's the bff pattern from Knitters Anonymous. which can be found here. I decided that instead of continuing the cable pattern onto the instep, that I would just make the foot plain old stockinette. This was mostly for time since I plan on making pairs for 4 people by August. This is just the first pair. I'm pretty happy with them, since they're technically the second pair of socks I've ever made! (Now, lets see if I still say that after I knit the toe...) The picture didn't quite show the color the way I hoped it would, it's a little less purple in real life.

And here's my yarn purchases from spring break. I love
all of it! It's all to make gifts, so I feel no guilt about it!! (As you can see, all but one of those will be becoming the four pairs of socks that I will knit by August.)

Here they are - my first socks!! I'm pretty happy with how they came out. The toes came out waaaayyyy too pointy (notice they are missing from the picture...), but I think I know how to fix it. If you have any advice on how to control the elfishness of the toes, please share!!!

And last, my cute pup checking out the most recent additions to my stash. She was most interested in the cherry tree hill yarn - wonder what made it so interesting?
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Spring Break Part II

Well, here's a picture of what Traverse City looked like on Friday afternoon.
And, then friday evening (notice there's less green/brown patches and much more white)
And then Friday night - it looked more like the opening scene from a sci-fi movie than a nice April evening.

As you can guess from the picutres, the kayaking plans that I had made could not be carried out.
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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Spring Break Part I

So, here's the update that I promised.

Got home to Detroit, and some how convinced my mom to come and see the Yarn Harlot with me. (While my mother admires knitting, she is not a knitter, and wasn't terribly excited to go hear someone speak about it.)


I'll let you read the detailed post on her site, but here's what was going on while we waited for the delayed knitter.

Then, like a rock star, she ran in and began to speak. Even mom thought she was funny. She didn't get all of it, but did think it was funny.

Just a picutre of all of the hats that were collected. I feel like a bad knitter for not having one. I planning on sending one in to the hat collector, but I just didn't bring one with it.

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And last, me with the traveling sock!And even better - Stephanie holding my sock! And I'm happy to report it's finally finished. It's been a year, but they're done, and have been worn. I'm on to the next pair, and will have to post picures at a later date, but I must say, I really doubt this pair ws going to take a year...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Consider this a temporary post

This one's going to be short, and there will be more later. I'm on spring break, and though it would seem like I have lots of time, there is lots I've put off and have to get done now.

The Harlot
was well worth the time. It was great! Meeting all of the other knitters, just wonderful!
OCD Knitting
was there and passing out name tags to all of the bloggers, and mine is up on her site! (By the way, the red sweater that's a few posts down is beautiful in person!) Even standing in line to get books signed was fun - there were between 4 and 6 of us in our little section of line talking, all about the same age, all knitting socks, and all knitting them differently, so it was neat to see how everyone else did it!

Like I said, there will be more with pictures later!