Monday, April 23, 2007

Here it is!

Well, here it is, one BFF sock. Thanks for the comments about the toe, I decided to knit the last four rows with out the knit all rows, and it seems to have helped considerably - so thank you! I think I learned a blogging lesson on these ones though... never say that something is going well. The moment you do you'll realize that you weren't paying nearly enough attention to the heel of the sock and have to rip out an inch or so of the sock that was going so well. Grrrr....

And here were my little knitting purchases from the last few weeks. First a lantern moon bag to keep my socks in so that I don't end up with yarn tangled in my keys and anything else in my purse. The striped bag is my new notions kit! I knit at my fiance's all the time and end up without darning needles, stitch markers and a myriad of other necessary objects. I love them both!!
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