Sunday, April 08, 2007

Spring Break Part I

So, here's the update that I promised.

Got home to Detroit, and some how convinced my mom to come and see the Yarn Harlot with me. (While my mother admires knitting, she is not a knitter, and wasn't terribly excited to go hear someone speak about it.)


I'll let you read the detailed post on her site, but here's what was going on while we waited for the delayed knitter.

Then, like a rock star, she ran in and began to speak. Even mom thought she was funny. She didn't get all of it, but did think it was funny.

Just a picutre of all of the hats that were collected. I feel like a bad knitter for not having one. I planning on sending one in to the hat collector, but I just didn't bring one with it.

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And last, me with the traveling sock!And even better - Stephanie holding my sock! And I'm happy to report it's finally finished. It's been a year, but they're done, and have been worn. I'm on to the next pair, and will have to post picures at a later date, but I must say, I really doubt this pair ws going to take a year...

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