Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Socks Galore!

Well, here's the new socks I've started on. It's the bff pattern from Knitters Anonymous. which can be found here. I decided that instead of continuing the cable pattern onto the instep, that I would just make the foot plain old stockinette. This was mostly for time since I plan on making pairs for 4 people by August. This is just the first pair. I'm pretty happy with them, since they're technically the second pair of socks I've ever made! (Now, lets see if I still say that after I knit the toe...) The picture didn't quite show the color the way I hoped it would, it's a little less purple in real life.

And here's my yarn purchases from spring break. I love
all of it! It's all to make gifts, so I feel no guilt about it!! (As you can see, all but one of those will be becoming the four pairs of socks that I will knit by August.)

Here they are - my first socks!! I'm pretty happy with how they came out. The toes came out waaaayyyy too pointy (notice they are missing from the picture...), but I think I know how to fix it. If you have any advice on how to control the elfishness of the toes, please share!!!

And last, my cute pup checking out the most recent additions to my stash. She was most interested in the cherry tree hill yarn - wonder what made it so interesting?
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Dana said...

Hey there, great socks! Congrats on finishing your first pair, and the second ones look nice too. I've read that to get a rounder toe, you do all your decrease rounds consecutively without a knit round in between. I still usually do the decrease/knit alternating rounds, but mine never seem too pointy. I usually end with 12 stitches on each needle and then Kitchener. Good luck.

Larjmarj said...

Very cool socks! I LOVE the BFF socks. I checked out the link and I had skipped over this pattern because I think that I couldn't really see the texture with the yarn color. Yours look much better! Nice work. I agree with Dana as far as the toe thing.