Monday, March 05, 2007

They're finished!

Here they are! I finished them Sunday afternoon and they fit perfectly! I was so excited! And I have to say that I think he liked them too - he was wearing them inside while he worked on crossword puzzles, and it was not cold inside that house. Outside is another story...

It's freezing! The current wind chill is 0. Without the wind chill it's something like 22. It's so cold outside! Last week snow was melting, and this week it's piling up again! We're supposed to get another 6-8 inches tomorrow night!! I'm kind of excited about it though, it just means that I have more potential snowshoeing ahead of me!

Oh, and one other note, my middle school lunch time knitting club might just be getting off the ground! I just have to figure out how to get 12 pairs of needles that are between US7-9 so that they will work for lots of projects - like the first one I've got planned, a dish cloth in fun colors! The secretary in the front office had the great idea of making them and selling them to raise more money for the club. But first, I have to get the needles to actually start the group! Any ideas?
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